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Consumer Protection ARTICLES
Mediation is a formal settlement conference that serves as a bridge between formal litigation and informal negotiations, making it a vital tool for resolving disputes while preserving relationships. Its effectiveness in various settings allows for mutually beneficial outcomes that might not be attainable through traditional litigation. How it Works:The parties typically select (or are assigned) a third-party who is “neutral” to the outcome of the lawsuit (in fact, a mediator is often called a “neutral.”) …
Read MoreI’ve got some news that’ll make you want to throw your concert t-shirt in the trash (but please, don’t do that – they’re collectibles now). Ticketmaster just hit a sour note – they’ve been hacked. Again. Here’s the lowdown on this not-so-greatest hit: 1. Data Breach Bonanza About 560 million customers might be affected—that’s more people than the entire United States population. The hack includes names, emails, phone numbers, and encrypted credit card information, which…
Read MoreAs an attorney who has represented consumers in cases against banks for more than 20 years, I’ve seen an unprecedented and startling storm of bank fraud over the last 18 months. If your money (or a loved one’s) has seemingly just washed away from your bank account, let’s break down the three primary types of fraud we’re seeing all over SC: Different state and federal laws, including the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA) and Uniform…
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The Lean Law Firm
Run Your Firm Like the World's Most Profitable & Efficient Businesses.
With Larry Port, founder of Rocket Matter, Dave is the author of the first-ever graphic novel published by the American Bar Association (ABA). The Lean Law Firm, best-selling book at the 2018 ABA TechShow, shows lawyers how to apply the lean methodologies and systems thinking used by the world’s most efficient and profitable companies (Nike, Intel, and Toyota).
Far from a dry read, The Lean Law Firm follows the story of lawyer Carson Wright, who suddenly finds himself responsible for saving a small law firm, as his mentor Guy Chapman imparts the lean techniques that transformed his bicycle factory from the brink of bankruptcy to new heights of profitability.